adductor muscleの例文


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  1. Moorhouse withdrew from the 200 m event with a strained adductor muscle.
  2. Specimens of Neobisiidae have two very long pedipalps with " palpal adductor muscle.
  3. The adductor muscles are what allow the bivalve to close the shell tightly.
  4. This phenomenon is due to lower protein levels in adductor muscles.
  5. Adductor muscles leave noticeable scars or marks on the interior of the shell's valves.


  1. "adductor longus muscles"の例文
  2. "adductor magnus"の例文
  3. "adductor magnus muscle"の例文
  4. "adductor mandibulae"の例文
  5. "adductor minimus"の例文
  6. "adductor muscle group"の例文
  7. "adductor muscle scar"の例文
  8. "adductor muscles"の例文
  9. "adductor muscles of the hip"の例文
  10. "adductor muscles of the thigh"の例文
  11. "adductor mandibulae"の例文
  12. "adductor minimus"の例文
  13. "adductor muscle group"の例文
  14. "adductor muscle scar"の例文

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